Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Peacemaker or Peacebreaker?

Peacemaker.  This is a term used to define many things.  It has been a weapon - the Colt 45 Peacemaker - the gun that tamed the wild west.  It has been a super hero comic series in the 1960's pitting good against evil.  There was a movie titled "The Peacemaker" which had George Clooney, as a U.S.Army Colonel working against a band of terrorists to thwart a nuclear attack on New York City.  There is even a cartoon character - Globeman, a.k.a. "The Peacemaker" who is the mascot for an environmental group - who has a little blue body and a big blue head that looks like a globe, and is holding two green leaves in his misshapen hand.  And there are several others, but they all share one common theme -  they stand up for good and battle against evil in its varied forms from wicked villains, to terrorists, to polluters and the list goes on.

Jesus also mentioned "peacemakers" in His famous sermon on the mount in Matthew 5.  He said "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God".  I wonder, how many of us strive to be such peacemakers.  It seems like we hear daily of "peace-breakers"; those who seemingly go out of their way to wreak havoc in our society and our churches and around the world.  Surely they are sons of someone too, but I don't think they would qualify to be called sons of God.  Whose son's do you suppose they might be?  I won't dare to speculate.

We seem to  hear all too often about "peace-breakers" in the church.  Those who are easily dissatisfied, disgruntled, disenchanted, and dare I say dis-involved.  Doesn't it seem that those who sit on the sidelines and evaluate rather than participate find it so easy to frustrate and discombobulate what God is working out in the life of His church?  I wonder sometimes if we had more participants than spectators in God's house if we wouldn't also have more peacemakers - sons and daughters of God.  There is an old saying, "Idle hands are the devil's workshop".  What if we all got involved in doing His will?  What if we were all producers rather than consumers?  Wow!  What a concept!  People involved in ministry, reaching the lost, and restoring peace and honor to the house of God rather than spectating, frustrating criticizing and consuming the time and efforts of those who are trying to do His will.

My challenge to you this week is this.  Seek to be a peacemaker!  Come alongside your pastor and the leaders in your church and become a super hero for them - get out there and fight off the bad guys for them and give the pastors and church leaders God has provided the freedom to focus on leading the church rather than fighting every battle that comes along.  Go and start making disciples rather than making trouble.  Do your all to live peaceably with one another.  Rather than drawing a line in the sand or saying "it's my way or the highway", get on the bus, find your seat and enjoy the ride.  God has a very special destination in store for for His sons and daughters; those who are peacemakers, and I pray that everyone of you will make it There with me.

Have yourself a blessed week you little peacemaker you!

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