Thursday, May 26, 2011

So Homi, What's That Mean to Me?

Homiletics; a $64 word that means ascribing Biblical text, stories, and doctrine to our daily lives, and making them relevant.  It is something that pastors and preachers do, or attempt to do to help their listeners apply God's Holy Word to their every day lives.

Now you may ask, "how something written or said more than 2,000 years ago to farmers, fishermen, and common, mostly uneducated people can possibly apply to our highly sophisticated and technological lives today?"  And that is a good question.  But by prayerful study of the Bible and a little research about the writers and their audience,you can begin to see that things and people really haven't changed all that much.  And the principals laid out in those sermons and stories from so very long ago still apply today.

Some of us have been instructed by God to perform a task or speak to some lost soul, but find an excuse to avoid the mission we were called to.  Sounds a bit like Jonah!  Perhaps you were compelled to pick up and move to a place you have never been before, and wondered why.  Ever heard of Abram and Sari?  Or perhaps you find yourself in a situation that makes no sense; nothing seems to be working out the way you planned, or things just seem to be going all the wrong way.  Consider the stories of Job, or Joseph or Esther, and men like Daniel or even Jesus closest disciples.  What I am trying to point out is that if we try, we can find a Biblical example of our lives, and if we dig in and discover what God was doing then, we just might find the encouragement to persevere knowing that our Heavenly Father is working out His plan in our lives today just as He did back then.

So when you go to church this Sunday pay attention!  It is no accident that you are there at that time hearing that message.  There is something in it for you.  And don't just wait for the Sunday sermon to get your marching orders from your loving Heavenly Father.  Dig into your Bible, pray, and seek God's will for your life each and every day.  And do your own homiletics.  Who knows Homi!  You just might discover that God has some really big plans for you today.

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