Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Men At Play

This past weekend the men's group at our church held our annual "Camp Out and Critter Roast".  It is a time for the men to get together, have some fun, games, relax, and build relationships; oh, and let's not forget the roasting of the pig.  The most important part of the weekend is the building of relationships with one another. 

God's design for men is for us to have relationships.  We need friendships that go deep and allow for accountability, and the open sharing of what's going on in our lives.  Throughout the Bible we find examples of such relationships:  David & Johnathan, Paul & Timothy, Jesus & His disciples, and the list could go on and on.  Too often, I think, we men tend to be loners.  We work, spend some time with our families, and may occasionally spend time with friends - all of which are good.  But how often do we get alone in small groups and really share what's going on in our lives, or just hang out with the guys in a Godly atmosphere and really get to know one another a little better?  We all need this, but we have to make the time to do it.  In Hebrews we are told to "...not forsake the assembling of yourselves encourage one another...".  I believe this applies to more than just Sunday morning at church for a few hours. 

Proverbs 18:1 probably sums it up best; "A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; he rages against all wise judgement" and in this same chapter in the last verse, verse 24 we are told "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than brother."  Guys, we have to drop the facade of the macho I can handle it by myself mentality, and allow other brothers of like precious faith into our lives for support, accountability, and protection from the temptations that we all face.

Who have you allowed into your world?  Have you shown yourself to be friendly?  Do you have a friend, or friends that you know you can turn to when things aren't going the way you know they should?  As men we need to live our lives the way I believe God intended; having close relationships with each other so that when the enemy attacks (and he surely will)  that we have someone who has our back.  It's also nice to know that you have a band of brothers that can come together just to have a good time.  Now go roast a pig!

Have a blessed week.


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